About Me

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Kula, Hawaii
Since moving to Hawaii my work has focused on native flora and fauna. I enjoy the natural world and have always loved the magic and majesty of our Big Blue Planet.


2018 Art. I'm back!

I took a time-out from making art during 2016 and 2017, as we began and finally finished moving to Maui.  Now we're here in lovely Kula, on the slopes of the 10,000' mountain, a long-dormant volcano known as Haleakala.  Life is good here and I hope my art begins to reflect the natural beauty and marvels of the Hawaiian islands.

These are my first prints made here in Maui, using a new (to me) but ancient Japanese technique of watercolor woodcut, known as Moku Hanga.  The 2nd print was recently accepted to an exhibit (Caring for the Realm of the Gods) at The Hui, a Maui art facility.